Fine Arts » West Stanly Bands

West Stanly Bands

Welcome to the West Stanly Bands page!
Here you can find information about Concert Band and Marching Band!
Concert Band Supplies
  • Concert Instrument
  • Music 
  • Folder for Music 
  • Pencils
Reed Players: You are responsible for your own reeds. Any reeds you need from me will cost you $3 a reed. 
Brass Players: Mouth pieces may be borrowed from me. They must be checked out. If they are not returned at the end of your playing semester, you will be charged the cost of the mouth piece. 
Percussionist : It is suggested each percussionist owns at least one set of the following for personal use and practice: 
Concert snare sticks
Marimba mallets (yarn) 

Provided by the band:
Vibe mallets (cord)
Glockenspiel/bell mallets (rubber/ acrylic mallets)
Timpani mallets
Marching Band Supplies
  • Marching Instrument
  • Music
  • Coordinate Sheets/Drill
  • Folder/Binder for music and drill
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
  • Water Jug
  • Tennis Shoes
  • Outdoor Clothing
  • Sunglasses
  • Hats
  • Towel
Rehearsal Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 4-7pm.
The full marching band schedule will be under the Important Files tab!
West Stanly Marching Colts Show Theme
Shhhhhhh......Its a Secret