Career and Technical Education - Foods and Nutrition
I am delighted to be working with your son or daughter this semester! I am from Stanly County and received my undergraduate and Master’s degree in Nutrition from Appalachian State University. Before entering the classroom, I spent three years working as a Clinical Dietitian. I look forward to bringing what I’ve learned from the workforce to the classroom to better prepare your son or daughter.
Foods 1 - This Career and Technical Education course is part of the Family and Consumer Sciences Program at West Stanly High School. “This course examines the nutritional needs of the individual. Emphasis is placed on fundamental of food production, kitchen and meal management, food groups and their preparation, and time and resource management. English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies are reinforced.”
Foods 2 - A Career and Technical Education course that is part of the Family and Consumer Sciences Program at West Stanly High School. "In this course students experience the intersection of nutrition science and food preparation, while building skills for an expanding range of career opportunities. Emphasis is placed on health and social responsibility while improving the way people eat. Students learn how to manage food safety; plan and prepare meals for a variety of consumers and clients; and explore the food system and global cuisines. English/language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, technology, interpersonal relationships are reinforced." In Foods 2, students will complete the ServSafe curriculum and have the opportunity to test to earn the ServSafe credential.
Interior Design Fundamentals -“Students are preparing for interior design careers by understanding the value of interior design to society, design language, schematic design, and the aspects of well-designed interiors are covered. Aligned to the course standards and for each objective, this guide contains essential questions, unpacked objectives, and instructional activities. To equip students with interior design technical knowledge and skills, while reinforcing the core areas of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.”
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at [email protected] or at 704-961-5200. I look forward to a great semester!