Attention All Juniors
The ACT will be given on Wed. March 19th at 8:00am. This is mandatory for all Juniors!!
This is a reminder that all Juniors are scheduled to take the ACT on March 19th at 8:00am. If you are not at school to take the test on March 19th, you will be rescheduled for a make up test session. Please take note of the following important details to ensure a smooth testing experience:
Test Date & Time:

**You MUST bring your charged Chromebook and charger to the test!
All other materials will be provided to students.
Here are a few other reminders:
You may not bring the following into the test room: textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, highlighters, colored pens or pencils, correction fluid/tape, or any reading material.
Examinees and staff may bring snacks and beverages into the test room but only consume them outside the classroom during break.
You may have a watch, timer, or stopwatch to pace yourself. However, Cell phones, smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, Wi-Fi, internet, or communication capabilities are prohibited. All devices must be powered off and placed out of sight. You may not handle or access your devices until you leave the test site.
If you have a cell phone or other prohibited electronic device, power it off upon entering the room and store it in a backpack, purse, or other area out of sight.
Prepare for Success:
Read over the information your teachers will share with you. This will instruct you how to create an ACT account to share scores with colleges and get faster results.
Review key concepts and practice time management.
Get plenty of rest the night before.
Eat a healthy breakfast for sustained energy.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Carter.
Best of luck—we know you’ll do great!