Reminder to all Colt Families:
If you haven't paid the $15.00 SCS's Technology Fee 23-24, please do so as soon as possible in order to clear your student's account. Technology and other fees need to be paid so that Graduation tickets, Prom tickets, etc. can be purchased. Please enroll in the SchoolCashOnline payment system if you have not done so already. Stanly County Schools is offering this system to make paying school charges and fees fast, safe, and convenient to minimize cash and check payments. Parents who use SchoolCashOnline have the ability to:
1. Keep track on their child's school items and activity fees
2. Stay connected by receiving email notifications of new fees
3. Check their account history
4. View and print receipts
5. Pay for school fees anytime, anywhere, with a simple click
6. Easily link and access all students in a household
SchoolCashOnline payments can be made with Visa, Mastercard, or electronic check. It takes less than 5 minutes to register. Please click the following link for step-by-step instructions so you will begin to receive email notifications regarding upcoming events/fees involving your child.